Although all human beings are profoundly different from each other, and each in his own way is unique and unrepeatable, the preference for certain colors may reflect certain common personality traits.
For example, those who prefer warm colors could be passionate and energetic persons, who express a contagious enthusiasm in all the things they do. Instead, who prefers cold colors, very often is a lover of nature, and could have a calm and even a bit reserved character.
Choose the color you like best and read the corresponding profile, you may be surprised at the accuracy of the description!

The warm colors
1) Brown
Brown is a very popular color for those who love to spend quiet hours in nature, or at home. It also represents the bond with the earth, the care of one’s own physical well-being and willpower.
In the furniture, it reflects the predilection for warm and welcoming environments.
2) Red
Red is the favorite color of strong, energetic and lively people. Being a stimulating color, it is often associated with passion and sensuality. But sometimes, those who love red could have a tempered and a little bossy attitude. Used in furnishing accessories, especially in darker shades, it communicates grandeur.
3) Orange
Those who prefer orange are often optimistic, confident and animated by positive emotions. For this reason, lovers of this color are capable of extraordinary feats, establishing harmonious relations with those around them. In design, it conveys a sense of welcome.
4) Yellow
Yellow is the color of people who are bright, brave, and with a lively intelligence. In some cases it can mean cunning and desire to prevail over others, even through deception. Used at home, it can give a sense of happiness and joy, or, in shades towards gold, indicates a sense of permanence.
The cold colors
5) Green
If your favorite color is green, most likely you are a balanced person, with a strong self-control and represent a reference point for those around you. But you run the risk of being a bit too rigid and fussy. In furniture, it can communicate a sense of harmony, stability, wealth and well-being.
6) Blue
Who loves the blue color is often a peaceful person, who prefers to avoid chaotic environments and angry or litigious people. He has deep feelings, and can easily find his inner balance because he respects traditions but is not afraid of change. If it is your first choice for fabrics and furnishing accessories, it can indicate your desire to appear balanced and reliable.
7) Violet
Who loves violet is usually a person of great sensitivity, endowed with creativity and artistic sense. He often has an innate, almost mysterious fascination that he may not even be aware of. In design it is a symbol of love for luxury and wealth.
The neutral colors
8) Grey
Grey is the color of those who love to stand out for elegance, but without showing off. It could indicate an undecided character, which does not want to take a position, and for this reason it tends to compromise, keeping neutral, even in the aesthetic choices.
9) White
Who loves white, is open to every possibility of knowledge and aspires to wisdom and freedom of thought. This color could mean an innate desire for purity and light, living far from conflict, in conjunction with the Universe.
10) Black
Black often distinguishes strong personalities, power, or lovers of elegance and formality. Sometimes it indicates a rebellious temper or lover of mystery. In the design, black color is a symbol of elegance and sophistication.
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